Together, Apart: Enjoy This Custom Illustration Made By Us, For You!

Your free download

By Courtney Frank | 20th April 2020

Like the rest of our wonderful country, we’ve felt every emotional twist and turn of the last few weeks. As a community, we started 2020 with so much promise and hope. But, there’s no reason that has to change now. Take this time to slow down and simplify. Take a breath. Take stock of what you’re grateful for.

To help you achieve that, we have curated a special online magazine to help you flourish in self-isolation. Titled ‘Together, Apart’ we hope it inspires, calms and motivates you to keep on keeping on during this crazy time.

Featured in the magazine is some beautiful bespoke artwork, featuring a timely quote from Ivan Nuru. You might like to download this artwork and put it on your fridge as a daily reminder to stay strong. Or perhaps you’d like to set it as your phone background. Whatever you decide, we’d love you to tag @stylemagazines so we can see how you and your loved ones are flourishing in self-isolation.

To download the artwork in A4 landscape click here, to download in A4 portrait click here. If you’re viewing on iPhone or iPad be sure to screenshot the below images. 

Together Apart, Together Apart Illustration, self isolation illustrations, illustrations for self isolation, illustrations


Together Apart, Together Apart Illustration, self isolation illustrations, illustrations for self isolation, illustrations

iPad Landscape

Together Apart, Together Apart Illustration, self isolation illustrations, illustrations for self isolation, illustrations

iPad Portrait

By Courtney Frank Often the most dramatic in the room, Courtney is happiest when swimming in the ocean, sipping on a glass of red, or spending time with her obnoxiously loud family.
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