Keep Fit N’ Festive With These Tips From Naturopaths
Ho, Ho, Health!
By Yana Van Der Byl | 31st October 2024Christmas can be exhausting, with a whirlwind of events and shopping often leaving us overwhelmed. While it’s a joyful time, the indulgence can take a toll on our bodies. Fortunately, there are natural solutions to help you navigate the season. We consulted naturopaths Brooke Oke and Briana Surkitt from Goodkind Naturopathy, who specialise in digestive issues, skin conditions, and reproductive health. Whether you’re hosting parties or juggling family gatherings, these festive health tips will help you feel your best.
What are some natural ways to boost the immune system during the holiday season?
First and foremost, get outside and soak up some beautiful sunshine! We absorb the majority of our vitamin D from sunlight, so enjoy that natural boost (while being sun smart, of course!). Keep your pantry stocked with immune-supportive foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in micronutrients like vitamin C and polyphenols – think berries, cacao, green tea, pomegranate. Seafood is another great option, providing zinc, which is essential for immune function. And if you’re starting to feel a little under the weather, garlic and honey are powerhouse remedies—garlic has potent antimicrobial properties.
How can one maintain a balanced diet while enjoying holiday treats and festive meals?
Mindset is a huge thing to consider over the holiday season. Usually over the holidays our healthy habits fall by the wayside and we may feel a little anxious about our eating habits and lack of routine. We encourage you to try and embrace the holidays and time with friends and loved ones, and know you can always come back to your usual routine whenever you need to!
Are there specific herbs or supplements you recommend for managing holiday stress?
Herbal teas are a wonderful way to manage stress, not only because they encourage you to take a few minutes to relax, but also because you can get blends that contain adaptogenic herbs like licorice root, ashwagandha, and rhodiola, which support adrenal health. Medicinal mushrooms are also great adaptogens to consider including daily. When it comes to supplements, it’s always best to consult with a practitioner to get individualised advice to ensure you’re reaching dosage requirements and actually absorbing the nutrients, but a high-quality magnesium bisglycinate powder and activated B vitamins are generally a great choice for stress management.
What tips do you have for staying hydrated amidst holiday celebrations and travel?
We are huge fans of electrolytes for the holiday season and summertime. The main minerals we want to focus on replenishing in the warmer months are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. A high quality electrolyte blend will contain all four! We would actually recommend consuming an electrolyte powder prior to drinking alcohol or spending a day in the sun, this will give you a head start on hydration and reduce the risk of a sore head the next day. If you want to make a DIY version, try the adrenal mocktail recipe on our TikTok – it’s a coconut water, salt, lemon and passionfruit drink which is incredible for hydration.
How can I support digestive health during heavy holiday meals?
It may sound simple but slow down when you eat. Chewing properly releases salivary enzymes which help to break down the food you’re eating, missing this first step of digestion can lead to bloating, indigestion, gut pains and gas. If you are able to, add a source of bitters to your meal as bitter foods stimulate digestion – think rocket, leafy greens, radicchio, grapefruit and citrus. Pairing these foods with heavy or oily meals can ease the heaviness. Try peppermint tea after meals for bloating and fresh ginger and lemon tea for indigestion or nausea.
What lifestyle practices should I incorporate to maintain energy levels during the busy holiday season?
Exercise routines can change, and that’s totally normal! But even including small movement routines like going for a walk or doing some light stretches can make a big difference. Not only do they help with digestion and detoxification pathways, but they also give your energy levels a boost by releasing those feel-good endorphins. And don’t forget about sleep—having a chill wind-down routine, like getting off your phone and sipping on some herbal tea, can really help recharge your energy for the next day. If you are feeling the stress and anxiety creeping in, a nightly practice of placing your legs up the wall for 10 minutes forces your nervous system into a parasympathetic state which helps calm the body and mind.
Additional tips
Throw the shame in the bin & let go of the guilt! Focus on eating nutritionally dense meals when you can, always have a source of protein to help with blood sugar balance, but don’t feel guilty for indulging that little bit extra. Holidays are meant for enjoyment not guilt.