Look Into Your Future With Our Horoscope Predictions For 2024
The stars have spoken
By Lauren Payne | 18th December 2023The new year is just around the corner, and the stars are ready to bring you another 12 months of astrological shenanigans. 2024 is set to bring us a Mars retrograde, a Jupiter retrograde, and a Saturn retrograde that will all touch different parts of your life, and urge you to tweak whatever needs to be tweaked to make sure you’re slaying every single day.
Ready to see what 2024 has in store for you? Then sit back, grab an ice-cold beverage, and check out your 2024 horoscope below…
Hot tip: Always read horoscopes for your rising sign first, and then your sun sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can generate your birth chart for free online using your birth date, location, and time. If you know your exact birth time, your rising sign will be more accurate!
March 21 – April 19
Next year you’ll be spending a lot of time figuring out what hobbies and creative projects bring you joy, taking breaks from social media to rest your already busy mind, and doing things behind-the-scenes to make sure you’re feeling good on the inside and not just on the outside. So, rest, recharge, and do what makes you happiest!
April 20 – May 20
This year, you’ll be taking a good hard look at the friendships and connections that may not be serving you as well as they should be, the side-hustles that aren’t as fulfilling as they used to be, and your spending habits. You need to make sure you have a plan B in case of emergencies because if you don’t, you’ll be in a pickle or two!
May 21 – June 20
In 2024, you’re going to learn how to be more direct – no more beating around the bush for you! It’s all well and good to be nice, but sometimes to get your point across you just need to say what you need to say and be done with it. Any changes you make to your style and how you present yourself will feel better than usual, and your career may take a few extra twists and turns this year, but as long as you go with the flow and don’t fight the changes, you’ll end the year on a high!
June 21 – July 22
2024 is your year to shine, especially when it comes to what you do for work. You’ll find more confidence in your own abilities, which may lead you to doing some incredible things and even land you a promotion! You’ll also be spending more time learning how to take better care of yourself and potentially sharing your wisdom with others. People want to learn things from you, and class is now in session!
July 23 – August 22
Leos are meant to shine like the sun and this year, it’s time for you to address the things that have stopped you from shining. Chatting with your friends will help you feel more confident and give you the boost you need to shine – just don’t overload your social calendar too much, because there’s some personal growth that needs to be done. If there’s something in your life that you want to change, do what you need to do to change it, otherwise Saturn will change it for you!
August 23 – September 22
You’ve been pushing yourself a bit too hard, Virgo, so in 2024 you’ll need to take some time out for yourself to recover and create a game plan for yourself, to ensure you don’t burn out again. You’ll have plenty of time to do this anyway because you’re going to have a fair bit of luck sprinkled onto your career and a brand-new connection who’s going to help you conquer the world (in a good way, I hope!). So, take your time and let the planets take care of the rest!
September 23 – October 22
Ready for an overseas vacay? I hope so, because in 2024, luck is on your side when it comes to international travel. As long as you don’t book too many flights at once and take extra care when booking your accommodation, you’re in for an amazing time! Keep working on your work/life balance before you board the plane, so you’re not too exhausted to enjoy your holiday and help your friends! Just make sure they’re not just riding your coattails and are willing to help you in return.
October 23 – November 21
It’s time for you to put more energy into your career and chase the creative project you truly want to be doing – take charge and go for it! Talk to people and tell them what you want to do so they can help you get to where you want to go. Trust me, by the end of 2024 you’re going to be closer to living your dream life than you ever thought you would be!
November 22 – December 21
A golden nugget of knowledge is going to have you diving into learning something completely new that may just change your perspective on a few things. Conversations you have with your closest companions may also have you contemplating who needs to be in your inner-circle and on top of all this, you’ll also be chipping away at creating your home sanctuary. Talk to your family if you need advice and keep moving forward!
December 22 – January 19
A roadblock is going to initiate a tremendous amount of growth for you and at the end of it all, you’ll be shining brighter than you ever thought you could. While that’s happening, you’ll be working on a few more technological projects at work, but what’s going to be key this year is talking to people about what you truly want for yourself. Usually you struggle to tell people what you want, but this year you’ll get into the habit so they can help you –there’s nothing wrong with getting help from a friend or two.
January 20 – February 18
My friend, you have a few energy vampires in your midst, and they’ve drained you for too long. In 2024, you’ll need to review the people you keep close to you because there are a few one-sided relationships that may have reached their expiry date. You’ll also need to review your income streams to curb any anxieties you may have in that area. This may all sound a bit intense, but don’t fret! Your creative projects will thrive this year, so keep using that unique imagination of yours to keep creating beautiful things!
February 19 – March 20
In 2024, you may find yourself wanting to chat to your family a bit more. So, there’ll be more evening calls with your mum, drives with your dad, and a dinner or two with your siblings, which is always fun! You’ll also be looking at your day-to-day workload to see if what you’re doing is really how you’d like to be spending your time. You’ll also be figuring out how you’d like to present yourself to the world. Do you want to be known as the mysterious wallflower, the fabulous fashionista, or both? Only you know how you’d like to be perceived by others, so put your best foot forward, whatever foot you’d like it to be!