Your Expert Guide For Flawless Legs This Summer
Step it up
By Dinushka Gunasekara | 29th August 2024This article is sponsored by The Leg Vein Dr and proudly endorsed by Style. We only promote brands that we love and think our readers will love too!
As the temperatures rise so do the hemlines, which means ensuring your pins are looking and feeling their best for all the activities on your summer agenda. And while the holidays might still be a little while away, this is the perfect time to spring into action and get your legs into tip-top shape.
Of course, achieving smooth legs is more than just hair removal, which is why we headed to the experts at The Leg Vein Doctor – aka Brisbane’s only dedicated phlebology practice – to get the deets on how to put your best foot forward this summer.
“After having legs hidden through winter, we do get a rush of enquiries in the first week of September as the weather starts to warm up and shorts and skirts are pulled out of the closet to replace trousers,” said Dr Kemp. “In the few months over winter, typically people are not as active and often do not notice changes to their legs like they do in summer. People can be shocked to see that their veins have worsened and are very keen to get them treated before they hit the beach at Christmas.”
That’s why spring is the best time to get on top of your leg care – giving you ample time to settle into a healthy routine or undergo any treatment and recovery. So, before you go loading up your cart with mini skirts, let’s talk how to get smooth legs for summer:
1. Prime time Just like your everyday skincare routine, your legs require a little regular TLC to be their best. Exfoliate with a skin scrub twice a week to slough away dead surface skin cells for a softer and smoother touch. You can also incorporate dry brushing to help detoxify your legs. “Take time to massage and moisturise your legs daily,” said Dr Kemp. “This will help exfoliate your skin and promote lymphatic drainage, which both play an important part in venous health.”
2. Keep moving Getting your sweat on isn’t just about toning your legs! According to Dr Kemp: “One of the best things you can do for your veins is to be mobile.” Low-impact exercise like swimming or walking promotes circulation to keep the blood vessels from dilating while also improving cardiovascular health. In other words, make sure to pop a hot girl walk in your calendar to get a leg up on summer!
3. Stay hydrated Drink up, buttercup! Keeping your body properly hydrated will help it effectively circulate blood, heal injuries faster, and encourage healthier skin. Having a water bottle on hand at all times will ensure you’re staying hydrated as the temperatures rise to beat the heat. You can also try taking cooler showers to avoid drying out your skin.
4. Get that glow Smooth legs take time, but that doesn’t mean covering up until that day arrives! Leg vein treatment can take up to four months to complete the course, so Dr Kemp recommends using a body oil to achieve the look of glowing skin while you wait for your results to kick in. And while we’re talking about products, don’t forget the basics – all exposed skin requires sunscreen for protection so always remember to slip, slop, slap!
5. Book the best A-list help is only an appointment away! “If you have concerns about your veins and a family history of venous disease, take the time to book in for an initial consultation and get your own personalised treatment plan,” said Dr Kemp. “That way you will know if your legs do need treatment in the short term or if it’s something you can leave for a few years. Either way that knowledge will help put your mind at ease so you can concentrate on your holiday plans.”
Ready to show a little leg? Find out more about The Leg Vein Doctor here.