As A Chronic Bad Sleeper, I Tried This New Sleep Supplement & Here’s How It Went
Sweet dreams
By Kelly Beasley | 5th December 2024This article is sponsored by Akaure and proudly endorsed by Style. We only promote brands and companies that we love and think our readers will love too!
Waking up in the morning and feeling well-rested is, in my opinion, one of the best feelings in the world.
When I was younger, hearing other’s complaints about sleeplessness would literally wash over my head. Is this actually a thing? With no intention of being dismissive, I just didn’t understand how people couldn’t simply close their eyes at night and fall asleep.
Fast forward a couple of decades and like several things with age, I totally get it now. Sadly, sleep hasn’t been my friend for at least a year or more. Instead, my sheets are constantly entangled from my hot, cold, rotate, repeat regime. Hormones, stress, frayed nerves, headaches, and parenting play a role in my sleep deprivation and feeling overwhelmed. Whilst learning how to survive on broken sleep and restless nights has become my new normal, my mental and physical health has no doubt suffered. It’s far from healthy or sustainable and I can’t bear for the dark circles around my eyes to get any worse.
In a totally serendipitous way, that’s where Akaure stepped in. I recently discovered this impressive new supplement range and trialled their Sleep Well product for the past 30 days.
How did it go?
The short answer is: fantastic.
The slightly longer answer is: I’ve tried a few strategies previously in a bid to help improve sleep, but none have been as convincing as the results I’ve experienced taking Akaure’s Sleep Well supplement. The directions for use are very simple – one tablet taken with dinner followed by a second tablet before bed. It’s super easy and painless with almost no flavour or smell to deal with.
The staggered approach noticeably induced a sleepy feeling that calmed my mind and assisted relaxation as the night progressed. I found it pretty cool to pay attention to the signs when my mind shifted to a lower gear and my nervous system relaxed. This was the optimum time to head straight to bed and flick off the light.
As the days and weeks passed, I really enjoyed leaning into the nightly practice of self-care and routine. In return, I was rewarded with a refreshed mindset, decreased time taken to fall asleep and less stirring and wakes throughout the night. That’s a massive win and an impressive result for me!
What’s in Akaure’s Sleep Well?
These small but mighty tablets are packed full of herbal ingredients that are based on traditional use in Western Herbal Medicine:
- California Poppy – often referred to as a little cup of gold due to its ability to calm nerves.
- Lavender – the queen of herbs used to relieve restless sleep.
- Passionflower – cherished for its mild sedative qualities (makes sense as to why it’s recommended for use before public speaking and other anxiety-inducing events).
It’s worth mentioning that whilst Akaure has just launched and is available exclusively online, this brand is brought to market by one of the most trusted natural healthcare brands in Australia, Integria. This brand is backed by over 30 years of herbal and nutritional expertise across global herb sourcing, research & development, quality assurance and manufacturing to provide a high-quality brand suitable for anyone who wants to be in charge of their ongoing health journey.
Walking supermarket and chemist isles to navigate the world of supplements can be visually overwhelming. Not to mention exhausting trying to decipher one brand from another. For a much easier option, I recommend jumping on Akaure’s Health Quiz for product suggestions based on your own concerns and wellness goals.
Tired of tossing, turning, and trying every remedy under the moon? Click below to experience sweet dreams. It might just be the game-changer your sleepless nights have been begging for.
Check it out now, along with their other amazing products, and get ready to snooze like a pro.